delay_parameters pool aggregate network individual
aggregate for class 1 2 3
network for class 2 3
individual for class 3
class 1 delay_parameters pool aggregate
class 2 delay_parameters pool aggregate individual
class 3 delay_parameters pool aggregate individual
class 4 delay_parameters pool aggregate individual user
class 5 delay_parameters pool tag
aggregate network individual 以restore / maximum形式表現
restore being the bytes per second restored to the bucket, and maximum being the amount of bytes that can be in the bucket at any time. It is important to remember that they are in bytes per second, not bits
===== Example ======
# Everyone in users1 has access to the full bandwidth until
# his 2 megabyte bucket is empty, then it refills at 4 kbyte/sec
delay_pools 1
delay_class 1 2
delay_access 1 allow users1
delay_access 1 deny all
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 4096/2097152
delay_initial_bucket_level 100 ##所有符合規則的都適用
最後,delay pool只能用在限制download速度,想限制上傳的速度,作者表示:請自己寫
( 可以透過firewall來控制 )